Sunday 16 June 2013

Ayam Penyet 301: Pondok Pantai Timur

This has got to be the best ayam penyet I have tasted so far for sure. My husband kept raving about this ayam penyet for months before we finally found the time to go there together last week.

Ever since he got introduced to this ayam penyet by a business friend, he doesnt eat ayam penyet from anywhere else except from here because to him, no ayam penyet he has tried after this comes close to Pondok Pantai Timur's ayam penyet in taste and I think he could be right...this time. :)

This nice tasting non-greasy chicken rice with fragrant crispy skinned chicken and sweet, tangy home made chilli sauce will not disappoint.

And i must add that although the chicken is fried, the meat is not dry at all.

Originally from Changi Village, they are now in Ubi in a coffee shop called Ubi 301.

Address: Blk 301, Ubi Ave 1

Love it.
Price: $5 (drumstick)

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