Thursday 26 September 2013

JB Baby: Jeju Korean BBQ

Went back to work yesterday after a 4 day birthday hiatus.
Took time off to spend time with both my children baking choc chip cookies, reading made up pirate stories, doing somersaults and playing all kinds of games from blanket castle peekaboo to uncoordinated amateur princess badminton. Albeit the bones feeling a little brittle by the 4th day, I thoroughly enjoyed the bonding time we had together.

And aside from that, I ate loads of bbq meat for my birthday dinner and I may have eaten too much considering the extent of the nightmares in my sleep after dinner. Hahaha. 
Had korean bbq at Korean run Jeju Korean in Bukit Indah, JB. Fed the entire family of 4 with bbq beef, pork, chicken and pot of bean paste soup for RM127. Cheap and cheerful.
They serve 15 types of both hot and cold appetisers like the usual kimchi, black beans and bean sprouts. 
Like the huge yummy variety they have.
Being the meat lover that I am, I enjoyed the bbq meats the most. Nothing beats biting on warm meat wrapped in cold fresh lettuce. The meats were awesome!
Be prepared to have your hair and clothes smelling like charcoal grilled meat by the end of it.
Great relaxing casual dining for families with young kids. 
Go early as it can get busy. 

Address 22 Jalan Indah
15/3 Taman Bukit Indah
81200, Johor Bahru

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