Sunday 5 January 2014

Princess #2 @ Talent Plus Playgroup

Our younger daughter started play school at Talent Plus in Punggol this week and she loves it so far.

Her 2 hour lesson starts with her teacher taking her temperature and disinfecting her tiny hands and usually ends with a story telling session.

Each 2 hr session includes song and dance, art and craft and story telling as well as play time.
There is also 1 session taught solely in Mandarin per week. There are no classes on weekends, during school holidays and on public holidays.

Her teacher does not speak very good English but she is nice to the kids and I am pretty happy with their curriculum. Most importantly, princess #2 seems to be enjoying the activities very much.

Our main objectives are for her to socialise and play with her peers as well as to exhaust some of her forever going energy level. :)

There are a teacher and a teacher's assistant per class and her class has about 10 - 15 children.
The monthly fee is $155/month. Material fees are $95 paid every half yearly. 2 sets of uniform are $50. And a non-refundable 1 month deposit of $155 is required upon registration. This deposit is to be used to pay school fees for the last month of school of the year.

Because it is not a childcare, they will call you to come change your child's diaper if she/he happens to poop during the 2 hr class.

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